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Panda Dome Essential 2025 - Optimal Protection for Your Devices
Travel safely and reliably on the Internet with Panda Dome Security EssentialAntivirus, firewall, phishing protection, VPN, WiFi protection and USB virus scanning.
Panda Dome Security Essential is comprehensive security software to protect your digital lifestyle. Developed by Panda Security, a leader in cybersecurity, the software offers a wide range of features to protect your online activities and protect your data from threats.
Real-time antivirus protection
The antivirus software included in Panda Dome Essential uses innovative high-security technology across all your devices to protect you from ransomware and all types of cyberattacks. Learn more about the real-time antivirus protection included with Panda Dome
Panda Dome Essential includes a firewall that prevents unauthorized access to or from your private network. All incoming and outgoing messages to and from your local network pass through the firewall, which scans every message and blocks those that do not meet established security standards.
VPN (150MB/day)
A VPN is a security tool that allows you to surf the Internet anonymously. This makes it more difficult for websites and web services to track your online activities and collect information about you without your consent. Additionally, a VPN allows you to access websites or services that may be blocked or restricted in your location.
WiFi protection
Panda Dome WiFi Protection checks the security level of your private WiFi network and displays connected devices to detect intruders on your network.
Safe Internet surfing against malicious websites and phishing
This feature automatically detects phishing websites (fake pages that imitate legitimate banking websites to steal banking information) and servers that host malware. This allows you to create lists of trusted and untrusted websites (allowed and blocked lists).
USB virus scan
Panda Dome Essential scans any USB drive for malware. Every time it detects a USB drive connected to your computer, it will notify you so you can scan its contents. It also blocks malware that runs automatically when you plug in a USB drive.
Dark Web Scanner and Dark Web Monitor
This feature is an email checker that is included in all Panda Dome plans. This will help you find out if your email account has been hacked and published on the dark web. Dark Web Monitor monitors your email accounts and quickly alerts you if your data is found in a new security breach.
System requirements:
Operating System: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Mac from OSX from version 10.10
iOS 13.0 or later
Android: from Android 6.0
Memory (RAM): Min. 2GB
Hard disk space: 200 MB free space (MAC) Windows 240 MB
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